Latin Industrial Trading is a United Arab Emirates-based trading company that specializes in sourcing and providing a wide range of industrial materials (MRO) across the globe.
At Latin Industrial Trading, we take immense pride in our extensive international experience, connecting crucial links between suppliers and customers. Our expertise lies in catering to all customer interests, overcoming geographical and language barriers, and streamlining the importation process to eliminate unnecessary delays and frustrations in production and shipment.
With a diverse portfolio spanning various industries such as automation, mechanical, hydraulic, fuel, electrical, construction, automotive, pharmaceutical, and medical, we boast a highly skilled and experienced team proficient in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and German, among other languages. Additionally, we possess a robust database that ensures access to thousands of products and suppliers worldwide, fostering modern, reliable, and efficient relationships across the global supply chains.
We pride ourselves in efficiently managing materials and consignments, providing all necessary documentation to meet customer and industry requirements. We ensure compliance with prevailing tax laws and customs regulations in the country of origin and destination for secure and streamlined shipments.
At Latin Industrial Trading, we offer fast and clear responses to your inquiries, ensuring your purchases are entirely satisfactory and significantly reducing lead times and operating costs.
Choose us as your partner for a seamless and efficient international trading experience. We look forward to serving your industry needs on the world market.